Go to App Store or Google play depending on your phone.
Search for Graft Wallet app and download it.

Open the app once it is installed.

Once the application is ran for the first time, you will have a set of options to create your wallet in.
You need to choose MAINNET.

Your next step is to enter the password for your new wallet. Choose something strong, as you need to protect your funds.
Only after the password is entered, push Create New Wallet button.

The next screen will give you a mnemonic phrase – this is the unique random set of wards you will need to enter when you want to access your wallet on another device (Windows, Linux or another phone). You will need to copy and save it in some secure place. (Never share your mnemonic phrase like we did, anyone can steel your wallet with it).

To save the mnemonic phrase, hit Copy to Clipboard button and save it in some secure place, like password protected Evernote or something. Only after you saved the mnemonic phrase, hit I Save It button.

You wallet is created, however, you need to have your wallet addres, that you will use to put your Graft coins to.
Click on Main Balance now and you will see a huge set of letters and numbers, THIS IS YOUR WALLET address.

Now Hit Copy to clipboard button again, and save it to some app. I used Evernote, as I have access to it from Windows and you will need it to start mining.
Feel free to share your wallet address with anyone, as the only thing people can do with it is to send you some graft coins.