App to Discover and List Crypto-Friendly Venues

Quickly find businesses that accept crypto by category and by location
Help build the most comprehensive database of businesses that accept crypto and earn GRFT in the process.
Businesses can start accepting crypto and keep their acceptance information up to date

Earn Rewards

by Listing and Enlisting Businesses into Accepting Cryptocurrency
Mark the place on the map and enter email of the owner / manager. Every email has to be unique. The owner has 7 days to confirm the listing through the system-generated email, otherwise the listing will be considered invalid. After the listing is confirmed, your account will be credited with 100 GRFT if the location accepts or wants to accept cryptocurrency and 500 GRFT if the venue starts using GRAFT enabled payment terminal or GRAFT POS.

The GRFT you earn will be transferred to your wallet within 45 days since the owner confirms the listing. If you’ve added a venue that already accepts cryptocurrency via GRAFT or other means, the location will show up on the map in CryptoFind. Other users will be able to flag the listings if they find information incorrect. If multiple users flag the listing, it will be marked as invalid in the database and the GRFT will be debited from your account.

Upon listing 5 locations, you will receive a bonus of 250 GRFT. Upon entering 10 locations, you will receive a bonus of 1,000 GRFT, 25 locations – 5,000 GRFT, 50 locations – 10,000 GRFT, and 100 locations – 25,000 GRFT.

You can list a maximum of 100 locations using one account.

100 GRFT
List a business accepting or interested in accepting crypto (after its has been confirmed by the owner)

300 GRFT
List the location that wants to accept crypto via GRAFT and place a “Coming soon” sign on their window. Get the cling

500 GRFT
Get a business to use GRAFT POS app or GRAFT enabled terminal

Merchant Benefits

Accept ANY Cryptocurrency
Very low transactions fees comparing to credit / debit cards
Same merchant services regardless of location
Flexible revenue treatment